MrDeposit vs The Micros In Texas Holdem Day 2


    Today I only played the micros on America’s Cardroom for a little over an hour. I was a little burned out from playing zone poker on Ignition Casino. Maybe next time I will play for this challenge first before I do my zone poker grind. I just want to play 2 hours of micro-stakes anything past that would most likely have me bored and donking off chips.

    I started day 2 in the micros sitting at four 6-max $0.01/$0.02 no limit holdem tables with $1 on each table. My online poker history of multi-tabling hasn’t been the greatest. It even goes all the way back to the fulltilt/pokerstars days. Anything over 2 tables and I am losing money on at least 1 of the tables. Today would be that case again.

    Starting off, I was up on 2 tables (tables 1 and 3) and down on 2 tables (tables 2 and 4). After about 30 minutes of playing I went busto on table 2. I did a rebuyin with a dollar and went busto again after about 20 minutes. So I decided not to play 4 tables, I kept the other 3 tables going and I started to profit on all 3 tables. This is when things got interesting. I thought if I added a full ring table I could focus on the 3 6-max tables and just profit easy on the full ring table.

    My plan was nice and all but all the full ring tables was full. So I sat down at a full ring table that only had 2 players. I was thinking it would fill up quick. Well I won a big pot the first 3 hands and 1 guy left. After playing 4 or 5 hands headsup the table filled with players. However, 1 big hand 5 or 10 minutes sitting at this table I went busto because of 1 big hand. My ace high straight lost to a full house.

    So once again, I was back to 3 tables profiting. At table 4 I was up over $1, at table 3 I was up over $2, and at table 1 I was up only maybe 60 cent. After leaving all 3 tables, I took a look at my balance to see I was up only $0.69 after having such nice sessions at those 3 tables.

    Day 2 Results For MrDeposit vs The Micros

    Starting Bankroll: $25.87
    Ending Bankroll: $26.56
    Profit/Loss: +$0.69

    Overall Results After 2 Days

    Starting Bankroll: $25.35
    Ending Bankroll: $26.56
    Profit/Loss: +$1.21


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