NA LCS Week 2 Recap


    League of Legends professional scene, NA LCS week 2 recap with the all 10 matches as well as shortest game, longest game, and bloodiest game. After week 2, Cloud 9 remains the only undefeated team at 4-0 and Team Evny are the only team without a win with a 0-4 record. Cloud 9, Phoenix1, TSM, and Echo Fox all went 2-0 in NA LCS week 2. Phoenix1 is the only team to win 4 games without losing a game to go 2-0 match record this week.

    NA LCS Infographic Week 2

    NA LCS week 2, day 1 was on Friday, January 27th, 2017 with 2 matches. First match was FlyQuest vs Counter Logic Gaming and FlyQuest won 2-0. TSM vs Team Dignitas was the second match of day and TSM won 2-0.

    NA LCS week 2, day 2 was on Saturday, January 28th, 2017 with 4 matches. Match #1 was Immortals vs Cloud9 and Cloud9 won 2-0. Match #2 was Phoenix1 vs Team Envy and Phoenix1 won the match 2-0. Match #3 was TSM vs Team Liquid, TSM won the first game and Team Liquid tried to make a comeback by taking game 2 but TSM was too much for them winning the match 2-1. Match #4 of day 2 was Team Dignitas vs Echo Fox. Team Dignitas steam-rolled Echo Fox in game 1 but in turn got steam-rolled in game 2 & 3.

    NA LCS week 2, day 3 was on Sunday, January 29th, 2017 with 4 matches. Match #1 was Phoenix1 vs Team Liquid. Phoenix1 won 2-0. Making them the only team without a lost game this week. Match #2 was Echo Fox vs FlyQuest and Echo Fox won the match 2-1. Match #3 was Team Envy vs Immortals Team Envy steam-rolled Immortals in game 1 but that wasn’t enough to keep Immortals from winning the match 2-1. Match #4 Cloud9 vs Counter Logic Gaming was the last match of week 2. It was an all battle with Cloud9 winning game 3 which was the longest game of week 2 and Cloud9 won the match 2-1.

    Shortest game of week 2 NA LCS was Echo Fox vs Team Dignitas game 2 at 24:24, the longest match was Cloud9 vs CLG game 3 at 49:22, and the bloodiest game with the most kills was Echo Fox vs FlyQuest with 43 kills. Most banned champion of week 2 was Camille banned 25 times, most picked champion was Kha’zix, picked 23 times, and the highest win percentage was Rengar with 100% win rate.


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